You are not alone

Services Offered

Sessions usually include a combination of all of the tools below for resilience and self-care. I am here to support you through this process and teach you techniques to generate feelings of safety and ease in the body.


If we haven’t met before I will book you in for a free 15 minute consultation via phone or Zoom to identify your needs.

We can then meet in person and start your journey to wellbeing.

This is a non-judgemental, compassionate and confidential space. Each time we meet there will be ample time for you to offload anything you feel is helpful or necessary. Talking about what is bothering us can help lighten our load so we feel seen, heard and acknowledged just as we are.

This is not counselling or psychotherapy, we won’t analyse what is happening in your life or mind. Quite simply, sharing helps us feel seen and heard, and helps to identify stressors and responses that we can then work with.


Embodiment means being connected to how the body feels rather than just what it does.

Every emotional trigger we experience happens in the body. So learning how to be comfortable with the inner state helps process our emotions and responses as they arise, rather than disengage. When we can process life as it happens we take care of our mental / emotional needs and build resilience.

During sessions we will move in different ways (including slow, mindful yoga) to generate pleasant, engaging feelings and sensations in the body. Over time a more contented, trusting relationship with your body develops.

Movement during sessions will be specifically tailored to your state of mind and physical capabilities. You don’t have to be ‘fit’ or ‘in shape’.


Learning how to breathe better has a huge impact on how we feel and our state of mind. Stress and trauma can lead to unhelpful patterns of shallow, chest breathing mainly using neck and upper chest muscles. This generates more stress in the nervous system that could be avoided with a few simple breathing tips.

We will explore the right breathing techniques to support what you are going through. Learn ways to deal with the hyper-arousal state of anxiety and others to uplift during low mood times. Over time you can learn simple ways to change your breathing and your state of mind too. Simple movement is usually combined with breath awareness in early sessions which many people find more accessible and engaging.


When was the last time you felt deeply relaxed?

Imagine being so relaxed that your mind slowed right down and your body felt grounded and soft. This state can be experienced through lying down or sitting, using one or more of the many techniques scientifically shown to slow down heart rate and change brain waves to a more meditative rhythm.

We all have the capacity to feel relaxed, we just sometimes forget. If your body is tense and tight we will always do some movement first before exploring ways to be still and present.

The benefits of regular relaxation calm the nervous system and help with insomnia.